Parking in Valmorel is easy!
On-line booking: No bookings less than 3 days before your arrival in Valmorel.
Parking Pass = Parking subscription
- Pass valid for the duration of your stay.
- Pass valid from the first day midnight to the last day midnight.
Leave with complete peace of mind
Book your parking space before you come!
Enter the information concerning your reservation dates, the residence or the sector as well as the height of your vehicle.
You can book several spaces at the same time (in the same basket)
Validation of your order requires you to create your account or to identify yourself.
Your car parking space(s) will be allocated according to the height of your vehicle, the location of your accommodation, your dates of stay as well as the availability at the time of booking.
After validating your order from your basket, you will be directed to the SPPLUS banking site (Caisse d’Épargne) where you make your secure payment.
The bank processes the payment request and informs us of the acceptance or refusal of the transaction. SPPLUS sends you a payment confirmation email
Upon receipt of payment validation, we will send you a confirmation email with a QR CODE to access your previously assigned parking lot.
If the transaction is rejected, you will receive a notification indicating the reason for the rejection.
Please note that your reservation is not confirmed until you have received your QR CODE. (Check your spam folder).
Upon arrival in the resort, scan your QR CODE at the entrance terminal of the resort car park (depending on the car park you have chosen)
You can scan the QR code with your mobile phone or your pre-printed reservation.
This QR CODE gives you a pass valid for the duration of your stay (unlimited entry and exit to Valmorel).
If you need to use your car during your stay to go back down the valley, no problem! It’s easy! By using your parking subscription. (Unlimited entries and exits without extra charge).
By going to the car park reception chalet 24/7, we will convert your entry ticket into a parking subscription for the period of your stay and simplify your movements around the resort.